Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Hot Potato Fact

Potatoes can grow anywhere - even in space!
In 1995, several potato plants were taken into space 
which grew successfully making the potato the first ever food to be grown into space.


  1. Hi Stephen - great fact! Are you planning to have a look at any of the historical books on potatoes? There's John Reader The Untold History of the Potato, for instance. Also worth looking in the Oxford Companion to Food (should be in the library). Of food writers, Lindsey Bareham is the best - a whole book on potatoes with lots of facts.

  2. I love the hot potato facts! Brilliant x

  3. Hi Nicki!
    Thank you - there's plenty more where that came from! I do plan to, and those books sound very helpful! I've prepared and photographed meals I've already made whilst at home last week which I plan to get up first. Hopefully they'll be up within the next few days if my iphone stops playing up. I'll have a look at those books this week too - thank you for the feedback.
    Thank you very much Emma! You've an excellent idea - J. K. Rowling always gave mouth-watering descriptions!
